Wednesday, September 18, 2013


"But wisdom is vindicated by all her children."
Luke 7:35

I can honestly say that I've lived a fast life. While kids my age were going to parties and having boyfriends, I was reading the Bible and going to prayer meetings. I died to my youthful desires so many times I'm surprised I lived to be in my middle age. 

When everybody was thinking of their careers and how to make money, my only ambition was to serve the Lord without any thought of monetary compensation. In fact, I thought I'd never have to pay taxes because I wouldn't have income. 

Looking at my life now, I see God's wisdom vindicated. The years of choosing the Lord's ways have brought the fruits that He had promised and so much more. The things I had given up as a young Christian, the Lord has returned to me in much greater measure than I could ever have imagined. But I wouldn't have known that His ways were true if I hadn't trusted and followed Him in the first place. 

By: Rissa Singson-Kawpeng (

REFLECTION: Appy God's Word in your life and see for yourself that He is true to His promises. 

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